April 29, 2020
- Created a shared Google Slides for the presentation
- Reviewed past movie projects presentations
- Divided up the topics
- Antoinette: Freedom of Speech (networked communications) & Privacy
- Shuxing: Intellectual Property & Work and Wealth
- Sebastian: Crime & Errors, Failures, Risks
- Plan to have our individual topics done for Monday
April 30, 2020
- New division of topics
- Antoinette: Networked communications & Work and Wealth
- Shuxing: Crime & Intellectual Property
- Sebastian: Privacy
-Xiaoyue: Errors, Failures, Risks
- Created plot timeline for website homepage
May 4, 2020
- Outlined structure and content of presentation slides
- What needed to be covered
- How long each section should be
- Started working on societal conclusions
- Started working on speaker's notes
May 6, 2020
- Listed current comparisons for computing devices
- Continued working on societal conclusions
- Decided which to include in presentation
- Decided who will present which slides
May 7, 2020
- Reviewed the slides to make sure they were ready to submit
- Submitted the presentation